
Youth Ministry

Aftershock Youth Ministries is designed for ages 12-18. The motto for Aftershock Youth is shaking a generation for Jesus. We believe in instilling Godly principles into our youth because they are the future of the Apostolic movement. Aftershock Youth have special classes Wednesday night at 7:00 pm led by Youth Pastor Bryan Clifton. These are held in the old sanctuary.

There is also Youth Night every Friday night starting at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary. This is an opportunity for our young people to join together in worship and play games in the gym afterward. We would love for you to join us!


Children’s Ministry

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).

The Sunday School Department is one of the largest departments of our church and is an essential part of every Sunday Morning service. The Sunday School Department has fun, Christ-centered classes designed for ages 2-11. Classes are Sunday Morning at 10:00 pm and are held in the old church.



TnT Adult Ministry offers a venue for the hard-working, busy men and women to come together for a time of fellowship and fun. Our goal is to plan a monthly activity or meal to give the adults time for a break from their hectic schedules and relax and revive with other busy people like themselves.


Men’s Ministry

Men’s Ministry is a fellowship ministry geared towards men of all ages. Each month the men get together for a time of fun and fellowship. Whether it’s Men’s Prayer Meeting, Men’s Breakfasts or other activities, this ministry will help you grow in God and start new friendships.


Ladies Ministry

The purpose of the Ladies Ministry at the UPC of Farmington is to meet the spiritual needs of each lady, whether it be healing, restoration, or deliverance. We are here to encourage uplift, inspire, and pray for one another while bringing unity among our ladies. We get together monthly for a fun activity. Activities includes things such as book clubs, craft days, and baking events.

Every Thursday we have Ladies Prayer at 10:00 am at the church as well as a Mother’s Prayer Meeting every 3rd Monday of the month at 7:00 pm.


Landmark seniors

At Farmington UPC, we value the foundation our elders have built and honor them. With a great life span comes great lessons learned. We believe that we should honor our elders and encourage our younger generations to spend time and gain wisdom from them. Our Seniors have not outgrown their ability to be used by God. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 7:1, “The end of a thing is better than its beginning.” If you are looking for a place to connect with other senior adults this ministry is just for you! Our Seniors meet monthly for food, fellowship, and games.


Music ministry

At Farmington UPC we believe worshipping in music is a way to welcome the presence of the Lord. The Bible says in Psalms 95:1, “O come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.” The Music Ministry includes an adult choir led by Sister Carrington and Sister Melissa Hartwig and a youth choir led by Sister Alana Clifton.


Native american


Farmington UPC is a congregation made up of all cultures and we support them all in unity in worshipping the One True God. We hold a tent revival twice a year in Shiprock, New Mexico on the Navajo Reservation.

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Hyphen seeks to connect 18-30 year olds to service…with purpose…through resources…for a mission. The purpose of this ministry is to inspire and encourage the development of young adult ministries. The Church needs Apostolic Hyphen with one hand tightly clutching Truth and another hand in the world grasping for the lost!